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Oeuf en cocotte


Simple, quick and easy to put together whether you are making one midweek for breakfast or 24 for a big weekend brunch –  Oeuf en Cocotte is an under rated breakfast classic that deserves more attention.  Technically the basic ingredients are the same as for scrambled eggs, but because of the different cooking technique the flavours are completely different.
Once you get you timing right you will know exactly how many minutes you need for your perfect level of cooked.


Oeuf en Cocotte
Serves 4

–  4 jumbo free range eggs
–  butter, for greasing
–  16 tbsp cream
–  120 gms parmesan, finally grated
–  salt & pepper

Preheat the oven to 180°C.  2.  Grease 4 small ramekins with a thin layer of butter.  Add 1 tbsp of cream to each ramekin and a little parmesan, and top that with an egg.  Season the egg, before topping with another 3tbsp cream in each bowl then divide the balance of the parmesan over the eggs.  3.  Place the ramekin in a deep baking tray and then top with boiling water, fill the dish until the water is about 3/4 of the way up the ramekins.  Cover with foil and bake for 10-12 minutes depending on how set you want it.  4.  Serve the ramekins with buttered fingers of toast, use a good quality ciabatta for this job, this creamy cheesy eggy dish deserves it!

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