Crunchy and delicious Golden Honeycomb

There is something so deliciously moreish about Honeycomb, the sweetness obviously, the flavour of honey and of course that magical crunch!  It is dead simple to make if you have a sugar thermometer, and only takes a couple of minutes, you will need to pay attention to the mixture as you need to continue stirring it all the time.


Storing it can be more challenging, as the honeycomb is hygroscopic, which means it will grab all the moisture in the air around it and this will change its wonderful crunch into a rather painful teeth sticking chew.  Just be sure to get it into an airtight jar once it has cooled down and it will last as long as you need it to.


Recipe by Paul MacielCourse: DessertDifficulty: Difficult


Prep time


Cooking time


Cooling Time

60 minutes

There is something so deliciously moreish about Honeycomb, the sweetness obviously, the flavour of honey and of course that magical crunch!  It is dead simple to make if you have a sugar thermometer, and only takes a couple of minutes, you will need to pay attention to the mixture as you need to continue stirring it all the time.


  • 330gms white sugar

  • 90gms honey, NOTE 1

  • ¼ cup water

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1tbsp bicarbonate of soda


  • Line a baking sheet with non stick paper, and spray down with a little Cook ‘n Bake – set aside.
  • In a large heavy based pot, large enough to allow the syrup to expand but not so large that it heats too quickly, add the water, sugar, honey and pinch of salt.
  • Begin to stir over a medium high heat, stir continuously, until the mixture begins to boil
  • Reduce the heat to medium and continue stirring.  Be careful this mixture is VERY hot and can cause injury.  Continue to stir until the sugar thermometer reads 150C (300F)
  • Switch off the heat and then add your baking soda, scatter it around the pot so it is easier to distribute, then using a whisk combine it thoroughly, until the caramel is paler (about 4 seconds) – don’t overwork it or you will lose all the bubbles and create a much crunchier honeycomb.
  • Pour the mixture into the prepared baking sheet, don’t spread it with a spatula as this will kill the bubbles, just carefully shake it to spread it.  AGAIN, BE CAREFUL IT IS VERY HOT – DO NOT TOUCH THE MIXTURE.


  • We use the Sally Williams Honey it is full of flavour, locally sourced and works a charm
  • Remember whenever you are using a thermometer in a hot liquid to ensure that it does not touch the bottom of your pot, there must be a gap otherwise you will be seeing the temperature of the metal and not the liquid.